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Reviews > Energy > E.ON

We Review E.ON - Gas and Electricity Supplier



E.ON Energy - Gas and electricity company - find all the news, views, updates and customer service information - compare and switch!

Visit E.ON

Eon serves more than 3.3 million homes so is one of the biggest providers of energy and they are matching those homes with 100% renewable energy.

Employing around 17,000 people in the UK and over 93,000 worldwide E.on is a very major player indeed. In this country they generate and distribute electricity and retail both electricity and gas to millions of homes and businesses. In addition, they offer a range of home energy services, including boiler and central heating repairs and maintenance.

The company are growing their green credentials having been involved in wind energy projects since 1992 and now have 21 wind farms located from Cornwall to Northern Ireland. They have ambitious expansion plans in this area as well.

As part of generating energy from renewable sources they now burn biomass material mixed with coal in two power stations, and have built the UK's largest dedicated biomass power station at Lockerbie.

E.on's tariffs tend to be competitive for online customers and larger users, and can be compared using the moneymaxim energy comparison tool.

This content was last reviewed on 03/10/2023