Home » Vehicle Hire » Van » Van Hire FAQs » I am moving / travelling to London, how can I pay the congestion charge?
Online: pay by credit or debit card via the website at www.cclondon.com. Always check your vehicle registration details are entered correctly.
Telephone: pay by credit or debit card via the TFL Call Centre on 0343 222 2222 which is open from 8am till 8pm Monday to Friday. They are closed on weekends and bank holidays. Always check your vehicle registration details are entered correctly.
Mobile phone text message: You can pay the charge on your day of travel by sending a simple text message from your mobile phone (you need to pre register for the SMS service), with your credit or debit card details. Please visit the website at www.cclondon.com or contact TFL on 0343 222 2222 for further details.