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Car Hire in Israel

Israel Car Hire Prices compared fast. Search online and find great deals for both car hire and check out the rates for low cost car hire excess insurance. Type in your required pick up location above.

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What we need you to agree to before proceeding
  1. That you will confirm the details with any broker or insurer, checking the car hire and any insurance policy to ensure it meets your needs
  2. Confirm you understand that car hire excess insurance policies must be taken out in the lead drivers name and might have specific terms and conditions which could affect eligibility
  3. Agree that you have read and are happy with our terms and conditions, privacy policy and initial disclosure document

Car Hire in Israel can be offered on a slightly different basis to that you normally find in Europe. In some instances you will discover that Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is not included in the rental cost. This means you will either have to buy cover from your rental company when you reach Israel, or buy a stand alone collision damage waiver policy which will cover your liability.

The advantage of the stand alone policies is that they not only remove your liability entirely as there are no excesses involved, but also protect other areas of the car such as the tyres, wheels, underbody and glass on the vehicle which are not normally covered by CDW policies issued by car hire firms themselves.

It is a good idea to check the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office website for up to date advice on travel to Israel.

If you would like help in arranging your car hire in Israel do call one of our experts on the MoneyMaxim team - we will be delighted to help!

Locations in Israel