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How to claim on student insurance?

What happens if I need to claim on my student insurance?

Here are a few tips if you need to claim on your student insurance.

  • Check your policy for cover details - understand what you are able to claim for under your policy

  • Contact your insurer as soon as possible - they are there to help you

  • Be honest when explaining the circumstances - fraudulent claims are taken very seriously

  • Take photos of any damage - evidence will help with your claim

  • List any stolen items - ensure you have claimed for all missing items

  • Keep hold of receipts, bills for any work carried out or repair estimates - it may speed up your claim

  • Notify the police immediately if you are the victim of a theft or loss - a police report may be required

All companies want to be able to process your claim as speedily and efficiently as they can. There should be information on your policy documents about making a claim but otherwise contact details can be found online.

You may be required to fill in an online claim form post a claim form directly to them. They will almost certainly require other documentation such as receipts or police reports.

When submitting a claim you will always need your policy number. This will be on your policy documents. It is always a good idea to keep a note of policy numbers elsewhere - at your home address for example - just in case the documents themselves are destroyed or go missing.

Do not be alarmed if your insurance company suggest they may send an agent or employee to your address. This is standard procedure and will help them process your claim.

Renewal prices do not always rise after you have made a claim but if there is a pattern or you make more than one claim for the same event, it is more likely that your premium will go up.

During September and October, companies see a rise in claims for student insurance. This is often because it is the first time that young people are living away from home, and responsible for their own possessions and many are sharing a property with strangers.

Student Insurance providers also see a rise in claims at the beginning of the summer. This is thought to be because windows are left open and young people tend to be out and about more. Be attentive when it come to your personal belongings and follow the guidance of your insurance company when it comes to the security of your home.

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