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SwitchedOn Gadget Insurance - Voucher Codes and Discounts

Find Discount Vouchers and Codes from SwitchedOn Insurance

Discover the latest voucher and discount codes on offer from Switched On Insurance. If voucher codes are required we will publish their details here, although many deals simply require you to click through to their website.

To see the full range of policies for both travel and gadget insurance on offer and all the day to day Switched On Insurance deals visit their site today.

Vouchers and discount codes will be featured below when available

Protect your iPhone 16 from only £5 a month

Protect your iPhone 16 from only £5 a month. Pay annually and get 2 months free. Terms and conditions apply

2 Months FREE on Annual Gadget Policies!

Two months free when you take out a new annual gadget insurance with SwitchedonInsurance. This only applies to new policies. Terms and conditions apply