Staysure Expat - Voucher Codes and Discounts
Find Discount Vouchers and Codes from Staysure Insurance - and their policies designed for expats
Get great offers on Staysure Expat Travel Insurance using our special offers, discounts and voucher codes when available.
This means you can benefit from lower for your travel insurance. We aim to keep you up to date with the company’s current promotions and special offers. Find Staysure voucher codes with MoneyMaxim here when available. To look at the complete range of Staysure insurance products and any deals, please visit their site here today.
When vouchers and discount codes are available, they will be shown below
15 months for the price of 12 on Staysure Expat annual policies
Take out a new Staysure Travel Insurance policy designed for expats for Brits living in France, Spain or Portugal and you will receive 15 months cover for the price of 12 when you use our link. Applies to expat travel insurance policies for all new customers.
* Find the full terms and conditions on the Staysure website.
* Find the full terms and conditions on the Staysure website.