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Sally Wilson

Sally is a key member of the MoneyMaxim editorial team. She is a frequent hire-car user and often goes on holiday with her family. With an interest in getting great value for money, Sally shares her hints and tips for travelling and insurance.

Sally Wilson is one of our Team of Experts

Travelling to South Africa with children? Take their birth certificates!

Children travelling to South Africa will need to take their birth certificates and be accompanied by both parents or legal documents proving parental consent.

New anti-child trafficking measures being introduced by South Africa mean UK visitors travelling with their children will need to take more documentation with them.

Since the 1st October 2014 anyone entering or leaving South Africa with a child needs to be able to show the child's full birth certificate.

Furthermore if the child is not accompanied by both parents named on the birth certificate the travelling parent(s) or guardian(s) will need to produce parental or legal consent for the child to travel. So either an affidavit from the other parent, a court order or death certificate as appropriate.

Need a copy of the birth certificate? You can order them online from the General Register Office for England and Wales, General Register Office for Northern Ireland or the National Records of Scotland

Further information can be found on the Foreign an Commonwealth Office Travel Advice