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Mark Bower

Mark founded MoneyMaxim in 2008, with the aim of delivering an impartial and independent service. Mark is a regular money saving expert in the press and writes regular news and articles for the MoneyMaxim news pages sharing his views on banking, personal insurance and the utilities (gas, electricity, mobile and home phones, broadband and pay TV) market with customers.

Mark Bower is one of our Team of Experts

Compare Home Insurance covering Christmas Presents

Burglars cashed in on expensive gadgets bought as Christmas gifts last year highlighting the importance of ensuring your presents are safely tucked away.

Burglars cashed in on expensive gadgets bought as Christmas gifts last year highlighting the importance of ensuring your presents are safely tucked away.

Laptops, consoles and cameras were at the top of the list as items most likely to be stolen, with New Year's Eve the worst day for burglary, research from Aviva showed.

Their ten years worth of claims data revealed homes are 22 percent more likely to be broken into on December 31st than an average day due to the mass of newly opened present available for all to see.

If you are planning on giving expensive presents, or have put a laptop or gadget on your Christmas list, ensure you have relevant home contents insurance to cover them for burglary.

"Our homes are jam-packed with plenty of expensive gadget and glamorous gifts at this time of year and of course that means rich pickings for any opportunist thief,” warned Rob Townend, Aviva's property claims director.

"If you are out and about on New Year's Eve don't forget basic security measures otherwise you might find someone else will be enjoying all your new gifts.”

Interestingly, Christmas Eve and Day have one of the lowest crime rates of the year, but those who are targeted on these days have a higher value of belongings taken – at around £1600 on average.

Despite the current economic downturn many Brits will be receiving expensive presents this year with Nintendo Wii Consoles at the top of many people's wish list followed by an iPhone 4 and Sony PS3.

Compare Home Contents Insurance

Make sure your insurance is up to date and will accommodate newly bought items or presents you have put on your wish list.

It is worthwhile ensuring these expensive gadgets are insured also for damage as they can often cost a lot to repair.

Compare Home Contents Insurance with MoneyMaxim