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Sarah Rice

Sarah is our insurance specialist, reporting the latest important developments in the industry.

Cat-astrophe! Pets Cause Financial Damage to Homes

Pets across the nation are causing havoc to their owners as they rack up £3.3 billion in home damages.

Pets across the nation are causing havoc to their owners as they rack up £3.3 billion in home damages.

An Independent price comparison website revealed yesterday that pets have caused an estimated £690 worth of damage to the average pet owners home over the last 12 months.

Brits are a nation of animal lovers , however 60 per cent of pet owners don't know if their current home insurance policy covers pet damage.

A third of pet filled households would get covered for pet damage if it was available to them. Pets are responsible for over £.3 billion worth of damage to homes in the last year.

The living room is where the majority of crimes are committed. The carpet has been named as the number one victim by pet owners. 90 per cent of those surveyed said their carpet had been ripped, scratched, damaged by their fun loving criminal.

Dogs are the worse offenders , with their furry feline friends coming in second place. The study found 8 per cent of animals that caused damage was done by budgies and birds. Goldfish are on par with micro pigs, only 2 per cent of them caused damage to properties.

The research found that up to a fifth of pet owners were lefts at the hands with some very destructive animals, causing some serious damage to their property.

Many pet owners have been forced to fund their animals expensive home wrecking habits, as up to 86 per cent of people were not covered for this specific damage.

Pet psychologist from Puppy Professionals, Cat Hughes, said; "Whilst many would find it valuable to have the extra insurance of pet cover, prevention and dealing with the bad behaviour is the best way to protect your property.”