Home » Money and Utilities » Utilities » Gas and Electricity » Utilities News » Colder weather causing family arguments over heating
Many Britons admit they get irritated because someone they live with switches the heating on before they want to, causing arguments in a significant minority of cases. Others of us admit to arguing with family or a housemate because they want to turn it on sooner than everyone else, while many more would rather wear extra layers this winter than turn the thermostat up.
The heating war goes on in households all over the country seeing arguments about whether to turn the heating on this year, and whilst many of us will be worried about an expensive energy bill landing on the doormat after the winter, so opting for a jumper or putting on some extra layers seems a better option to others.
Obviously Brits use about the majority of their heating budget over the winter months but with 25 percent of heat being lost through poorly insulated roofs there are still many ways to reduce the bill.
Past statistics released by the Government highlighted the problem of rising energy prices as many are living in fuel poverty.
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With energy prices about to increase and online discounts becoming sparser, it is now more important than ever to ensure you have the best deal for your household needs and to prevent arguing over it.