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Insuring a Car in the UK from Abroad

We have an insurer who can help with cover for a car you are keeping back in the UK whilst you are living overseas

car in driveway in front of garage

If you are sent overseas on secondment or you are on an extended stay abroad, you may wish to keep a car in the UK which you can use whenever you are back for a visit. Provided the car is kept in a secure location such as in a garage then we have an insurer who can help with cover.

How can I insure my car in the UK when I am living overseas?

Travel through work - or as a lifestyle choice - is more and more common. It is a great adventure and, for many, a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you are intending to live abroad, you may be considering keeping a car at a relative or friend's house or even your own property so you are able to easily get around when you are home. As long as the car is in locked premises then our car insurance partner can assist you.

Contact Sterling Insurance on 01279 940331 and talk through your insurance options

What information will the insurer need to know to cover my car?

There will be the fairly standard questions such as about your licence and your driving history but they will also need to know more about your circumstances and about the car in the UK. The benefit of talking to Sterling Insurance is that they are a broker so they have access to and experience with many different insurers. You can discuss your individual circumstances so that they have a fuller understanding of what your needs are. Armed with this information they can seek out the best policy options available to you.

Sterling Insurance

  • Take a personal tailored approach to helping their customers
  • Will take into account your previous driving history
  • Can help those living overseas who retain a car in the UK
Sterling Insurance
Call Sterling on 01279 940331
Lines open: Monday – Friday: 9am – 7pm, Saturday: 9am – 2pm and Sunday: 10am – 2pm