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Compare Car Insurance as Pothole Season Approaches

Find out how to compare car insurance policies to ensure you are covered should your car suffer pothole damage.

A country road can lead to more car hire excess insurance claims

British roads have taken a hit from the weather already this winter, and experts expect a rise in car insurance claims as new potholes are revealed.

The AA reported that 2023 saw the highest number of pothole related incidents and was the worst for 5 years for car damage.

Last year pothole damage to vehicles cost an incredible £474,000,000.

Edmund King, AA President, said: “Last year AA patrols dealt with more than 600,000 pothole-related incidents which on a national scale will have cost drivers almost half a billion pounds. ”

Craig Carey-Clinch, Executive Director, National Motorcyclists Council, said: “The situation is becoming ever more acute for motorcyclists. Potholes and other road surface related defects are already shown to be extremely dangerous for motorcycle riders. ”

Local authorities have experienced a cut in their road maintenance budgets, meaning many roads remained damaged, but the tide does seem to be turning with a recent government announcement that £1.6bn would be provided to tackle the issue. .

Hitting a pothole can not only cause damage to the car experiencing it, but can cause the driver to lose control and crash into other vehicles, or other road objects.

Wheels, suspension and bodywork such as wings and sills are the parts most likely to be damaged when a car is confronted with a pothole.

Compare Car Insurance with MoneyMaxim

Following the financial hangover of the expensive festive period, many people may be looking to make cuts on their outgoings including car insurance.

If you want to reduce your policy investigate the market for ways you can save money without compromising your cover, so if you were to damage your car due to a pothole you could claim for the repairs.

Many car insurance providers offer discounts for applying online, so check to see how other policies compare with your current one.

Image courtesy of: Pixabay