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Guaranteed Life Insurance for those in their 30s

Find life insurance where there is no medical required. Get in touch and we can provide help with guaranteed life insurance for those under 40 years old

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Buying a house? Getting married? Having a baby? These are all major milestones that many people encounter in their 30s and all good reasons why you may be under 40 years of age and searching for a guaranteed life insurance policy.

We work with life insurance policy experts who can provide fee-free no obligation advice on the benefits of any policies. They will listen to your needs and understand just how you can achieve the security you are looking for. By talking to our life insurance specialists you can ensure you are protected. They will talk through any cover you already have and what your future plans may be to make sure you are considering policies that will work for you.

What is Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Guaranteed life insurance does not require a medical or for you to answer lots of questions about your medical history. They are whole life policies which means they will cover the person named on the policy for their entire life as long as the premiums are paid on time.

What are the benefits of Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Often if you are buying a house or getting married for example, you have a very long to-do list and time is precious. With Guaranteed Life Insurance, the process tends to be quicker and you can often get immediate cover. You may be finding standard life insurance harder to come by. Those who are undergoing medical treatment for an ongoing condition may discover that cover under some standard policies is not provided. There may be the option for guaranteed life cover to be a temporary solution and once you have recovered, you can then apply for regular life cover again.

This is why you will find talking to our partner, Lifesearch, can be truly beneficial. You can discuss your current situation with them and talk through what you see happening in your future. With an established relationship, you can come back to them when your circumstances change to make sure you are still getting the best out of your life cover. They will be there to help modify your life insurance cover to your needs should it be necessary.

I am in my 30s, am I too young to get Life Insurance?

Life Insurance can be bought by anyone over the age of 18 - it's just not often that teenagers consider life insurance!

If you are going through one of the major milestones mentioned above then life insurance is something you should consider. Often, by taking out a life insurance policy at a younger age, it can be cheaper. Guaranteed Life Insurance policies are available to people in many age groups. Talk to our expert partners about under forties life insurance to find out whether a guaranteed or a standard life insurance policy would be better for your scenario. They will be able to talk through what your needs are and what products are available to you so you are in a great position to make the best decision regarding your life insurance.

How can I find out more about Guaranteed Life Insurance policies for under 40s?

We would highly recommend talking through your life insurance needs with our expert partners, Lifesearch. There are many life cover products on the market and through a consultation with Life search you can have confidence that you are making a more informed decision.

Guaranteed life insurance is not the solution that fits all circumstances. It can work out more expensive and may offer lower payouts. Lifesearch can offer free advice on your life insurance options without any obligation. Guaranteed Life Insurance policies may be too limited for you as they do tend to have more restrictions so is is well worth considering all the products available to you.

Life insurance is not just about today, it is about protecting your future, and that future can change from day to day. By creating a relationship with Lifesearch, they can adapt or build on your existing life cover as your circumstances change and be there to make sure you and your family are protected. So if you are under forty and looking for life insurance, just click on our link and we can help you get started today.

All help and advice is completely fee-free and the advisors we use are fully FCA authorised, both for your reassurance and your protection.

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Our expert life assurance partner is LifeSearch who are one of the UK's largest life assurance brokers. They have been assisting customers for more than 25 years now. They can offer cover from a selection of companies including Aviva, AIG, British Friendly, Legal & General, LV=, Royal London,The Exeter, Guardian, Vitality, Cirencester, Scottish Widows,National Friendly, Holloway, One Family, Metlife, Shepherds Friendly and Zurich. They are, like MoneyMaxim, regulated and authorised by the FCA, and have a guarantee to give you the most competitive premium possible to suit your requirements fee free and with no obligation.