The sport and fitness industry is a rapidly growing industry with more and more ways for people to keep fit and healthy. With expensive equipment on the market and niche classes there are new businesses springing up every day offering some form of sports or fitness coaching.
Whether you're a personal trainer, sports coach or sporting individual, specialist insurance is vital to ensure your clients, classes and yourself have the proper protection whilst taking part in sporting activity. The insurance provided can include legal liability cover, if you find yourself in an unfortunate situation where one of your clients injures themselves through advise or during your training session. Another option to include is public liability insurance, with up to £5 million of cover if the property you're using is damaged, or an individual you're training is injured, on the property.
What options are there for Sports Insurance?
Further options you may wish to consider include cover for 'loss of earnings', where if you found yourself to be out of work through an injury caused from partaking in a sporting activity you were insured for, your financial losses could be covered. This, for most of us, would be very convenient and may slightly take the pain away from your injury. In addition, you could also include equipment cover, which for personal trainers using theirs for 8 hours a day would be a vital cover, to keep your business running if something was to be stolen, lost or damaged during a session.
Sport equipment is usually replaced on a 'new for old' basis, providing you can prove the item lost, damaged or stolen was purchased within the last year. However, if the item is older than one year, then you would be compensated based on the value of the item at the time of the incident.
How easy is it to get a cheap quote for Sports Insurance?
Protecting yourself and your business as a personal trainer or instructor is important and insurance via MoneyMaxim can assist with this. Get your cover today, by simply filling out a quick form on our site, and we will put you into contact with up to three insurance providers, with different deals and great cover.
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