Vehicle valeting businesses come in all shapes and sizes. We are seeing them spring up in multi-storey car parks, in supermarket car parks and on garage forecourts. People want to look after their vehicles and that's why your business is important. It is vital for the health of your business that you are able to protect it against unforeseen events. If you are looking for cheap insurance for your car valeting business they our panel of insurers with all their expertise can help.
We work alongside a panel of experienced insurers all interested in helping your vehicle valet business. By asking for a quote you will not only get great quotations from a range of insurers and brokers, but also benefit from their vast knowledge of insuring similar car cleaning businesses.
Fill in the simple form below and we will get on the case straight away.
When you are operating a mobile car cleaning service, have a car detailing premises or wash and valet cars at your private residence, you will be presented with a number of choices to fit your requirements. You must have Employers' Liability Insurance if you any staff working for you.
Do also consider whether the following types of cover would also be of benefit to your company.
Premises Cover - If you own your own premises. If the building is damaged in a fire, the costs of repair can be massive. You need to be able to get up and running again as quickly as possible so your business can thrive.
Public Liability Insurance - This is cover to protect your business against claims by customers as a result of work you have carried out - for example if a customer claims that you have scratched their car while cleaning it.
Cover for your equipment - You can have some very expensive tools such as jet washers when you valet cars and other vehicles. These are essential to your business and if stolen, they can cost a large amount to replace
Driving other vehicles - If you need to drive your customers' cars while they are being cleaned - even if it is only for a very short distance - you should consider road risk cover.
Legal Expenses insurance - This is to cover the costs of legal action should you have disputes with suppliers, or staff employment issues.
By using our comparison service you just enter your details once and you will be put in touch with those companies that are able to quote and want to help you with insurance for your business.
If you are new to the vehicle valet business, by talking to one of the companies about their quote, you can then tailor it to your requirements and make sure you have the ideal insurance for your particular business- large or small.
If you operate an existing valeting business pf any kind, renewing with your current provider can feel like the simplest option but you are most likely to be missing out on a better deal. Compare today to see how much you could be saving on your vehicle valeting insurance.
By taking just a few minutes to compare car valeting insurance policies and you can significantly reduce your stress levels at a later date should an incident occur. There are a number of risks which can occur with a car valet business including fire, theft and accidents, and you have responsibility for your customers' vehicles while they are being cleaned - finding the right insurance can ensure your business keeps operating even if something were to go wrong.
This service is operated on our behalf by Seopa Limited.