Garage Loan Car Excess Insurance - Protect Yourself When Your Own Car Is Off The Road

We can help those looking to insure the excess they are liable for when loaned a car by their garage.

Garage Loan Car Excess Insurance

If you are offered a loan car from a garage while yours is in for servicing or repair, the chances are it'll be covered by a trade insurance policy. These insurance policies often have large excesses which you would be liable for if the courtesy car was damaged while in your care.

Though car hire excess insurance sounds like a great solution, most insurers wouldn't cover garage loan cars because the garage is not a dedicated car hire business.

However, there are car hire excess policies that will cover your garage loan car. A point to note though is that you need to make sure you have a signed formal loan car agreement with the garage which shows the excess you are liable for.

If you run a standard excess insurance quotation for the dates you require cover for through our car hire excess insurance comparison service you will see a set of results covering, in the main, standard car rental.

However if you select the filter at the top of the page to the 'Garage Loan / Courtesy Car' filter and we will show only those policies that will cover you.

Garage Loan car filter

One point to be aware of - often repairs take longer than anticipated - if that happens please make sure that you contact the insurer to extend your policy - otherwise you will not be covered.

Alternatively (and especially if you also hire cars at other times of the year) consider an annual policy as they will cover you for hire, or loan car arrangements, of up to at least 31 days, and in some cases longer still (there is another filter if you need to highlight those policies.

Alternatively consider an Annual policy for European or Worldwide coverage for loans and rentals up to 60 days with either of the above companies. These are ideal if you just want one policy that will cover both garage loan cars and holiday car hire.

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