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Kate Jarosz – MoneyMaxim Staff Travel Q&A

Get to know Kate Jarosz Coordinator at MoneyMaxim’s sister site Clarify Car Hire, with our Staff Travel Q&A

Staff Q&A Kate - Where is your favourite place in the world to go on holiday and why?

There are plenty of beautiful places in the world worth visiting. Actually, I don’t have any preferences. Having two sweet children and a gorgeous dog I am just dreaming about a quiet, warm, non-crowded place, where I could lie on the beach chair or hammock with a book in my hand and a cool drink by my side. I would probably choose one of the Canary Islands for that.

Favourite holiday past-time?

I had once a very special but spontaneous journey when it all began with my husband, however, we knew each other from our childhoods! We escaped together from our previous lives and we spent time together in the Tatra Mountains of Poland and Slovakia and decided there to get married. We like returning to those places on our journeys from time to time.

I used to travel in my past a lot when I was a child and I used to travel each summer with my grandparents to the Baltic Sea, and each winter in the Tatra Mountains located in south part of Poland. I have a lot of beautiful memories from that time. During my university studies, I travelled a lot across Germany, visiting the middle and south parts of this beautiful country. That was a very busy time of my youth. Since I became a mum, spontaneous travel is not that easy anymore. It is also hard to have a rest on holidays. But I know for sure I will miss someday the moments when they were little kids!

Kates Family

Favourite food & drink?

I adore salads, cheese and early grown vegetables. And freshly made white coffee every morning. From time to time I do not disdain a glass of rose or white semi-sweet wine. But alcoholic drinks are very rare for me!

Do you go on package holidays or plan them yourselves?

We always plan our holidays ourselves for one simple reason – we usually take our dog with us! That’s why package holidays are out of the question at present.

Who does the researching and booking of holidays in your family?

Of course not me! It is my husband’s Kris's job ๐Ÿ™‚ All packing is on my head instead!
But Kris and I, we must be a tight team, as lately we managed our biggest journey – the move from Poland to England, where we took literally all our belongings along. We are very happy we made this decision because we have met a lot of very friendly people in England and currently we have the opportunity to work with a great team at MoneyMaxim and to be a part of it.

Thank you for your determination, Kris! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate Jarosz is a Coordinator at MoneyMaxim's sister site Clarify Car Hire,

Image courtesy of: Pixabay