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Our Review AllClear Travel Insurance

Read our review of AllClear Travel Insurance. Get the reassurance you need when looking for medical conditions travel insurance

AllClear Travel Insurance Review

What we like:

  • Everyone with a pre existing medical condition can get cover through AllClear
  • Travelling companions as well as family covered under cancellation cover
  • Online screening even for more serious conditions
  • Can cover those with terminal conditions
  • Can cover those going abroad for medical treatment
  • Good cover for those going on a cruise
  • Experienced in covering senior travellers

What we are not so keen on:

  • Winter sports activities covered are fewer than most
  • We have had feedback from customers that some premiums quoted are high (but also that they are the only company that will quote at all for some).

Single trip cover

AllClear have no upper age limit on their single trip policies, and come into their own when it comes to covering pre existing conditions (see our separate section). They cover a range of sports and activities which can be found here. You are also covered if a travelling companion (rather than just family) is unable to travel and you need to cancel a trip.

Annual (Multi trip) cover

Annual policies are available through AllClear for all ages for European and Worldwide cover. They cover trip lengths up to 45 days (17 for winter sports). A full list of the sports and activities they cover can be found here.

Winter Sports

The skiing cover is more limited than many companies (Off piste skiing is only covered if accompanied by an instructor or guide), and some variants of skiing or other winter activities are not covered or are loaded. If wider cover is required see our guides in our Ski section.

Backpacking and Long Stay Cover

Not a focus for Allclear, although can be covered under standard single trip policies.

Travel insurance for cruises

A major area for AllClear, and they offer some nice features such as additional cancellation cover, missed port cover and cabin confinement cover (in case of illness on board). Please refer to the geographical area definition detailed in the policy wording and, if you are travelling to a destination not listed under Europe, you must choose the appropriate worldwide destination. Ensure any activities you plan to undertake are on the approved sports lists.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

AllClear are a major player in the pre-existing medical condition market and can offer cover for any condition. They offer full online medical screening for many conditions such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, angina, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypotension (low Blood pressure), gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), asthma, stroke, osteoporosis, kidney disease and hypercholesterolaemia (high/raised cholesterol).

Terminal illness

AllClear are one of very few travel insurers to offer cover for customers with terminal prognoses. They have a designated telephone number to call during the quotation stage to ensure the cover offered to you is suitable for your specific needs.

Travel insurance if you are pregnant

In summary (check the policy for full details) the Allclear policy on pregnancy is that as long as your doctor and midwife are OK for you to travel, that the airline or cruise ship are happy to transport you and that there have been no complications then they should cover you.