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Impounded Van Insurance

Van insurance for impounded vehicles. Get your van back today with 30 day, short term policies. Cover available for those with pending IN10 prosecutions.

Impounded Van Insurance

Impounded Van insurance policies found fast today

If your van has been impounded you will be keen to release the vehicle as soon as possible. Day storage rates mean that every day that passes increase the bill you are facing - and the only way to stop this mounting up is to get the van back asap.

Normal short term van insurance policies which run for up to 28 days do not cover impounded vans but we have special policies that meet the Road Traffic Act requirements for getting vehicles released.

You can find policies both online and over the phone by referring to the companies in the boxes

What are the special requirements of temporary impounded van insurance?

The pound will require that you have proof of insurance to release your van and this must meet the legal length of insurance for releasing a vehicle - which is 30 days, and provide third party cover.

What else do I need to take to get my van from the pound?

Along with your van insurance documentation you will also need:

  • Your full driver’s license
  • Proof that you own the van (The V5C (logbook) or the new keeper supplement (V5C/10) together with a verifiable and ‘in date’ bill of sale)
  • Either a valid MOT certificate or evidence of that a pre-booked MOT appointment has been arranged.

If the van is not registered in the name of the person collecting it the registered keeper will have to provide a signed letter of authorisation and the keepers driving licence to the person collecting it. The letter should also be signed by the collector so they can be identified. We strongly recommend that if the van is not being collected in person to call the pound and check on the arrangements that need to be put in place - as they can differ from area to area.

Will my normal van insurance cover me for collecting it from the pound?

You may find your current annual insurance policy has certain restrictions which prevent you having the correct cover to release impounded vans. You can also find getting annual cover is expensive especially if there are prosecutions pending. In this situation short term 30 day policies may enable you to act quick and stop the pound fees rising.

As you will see in the details we have suppliers who can cover drivers with a pending prosecution of driving without insurance (an IN10)

Typically you can be charged a daily storage fee of between £10 and £25. There tends to be a short period before that fee starts to be charged. You normally have just 7 days to reclaim your vehicle - if you don't it is likely to be sold or scrapped - together with anything that was in the van when when it was seized.

Where can I get more information on claiming my impounded van?

The website should be your first port of call as they both explain the process and the fees involved. Visit their page Get a clamped or impounded vehicle released for more information.

Adrian Flux

  • Call 0800 181 4542 today for immediate impounded van insurance quotes - Adrain Flux tell us over 80% of customers can get a cheaper quote this way
  • Annual and short term insurance policies available for impounded vans, at affordable prices
Adrian Flux

Safely Insured

  • Arrange cover instantly for impounded vans
  • 30 day third party only van insurance policy to meet the requirements of S.165A of the Road Traffic Act
  • Quotes available for drivers with a pending IN10 conviction (driving without insurance)
  • Immediate response to all Police authorisation enquiries during office hours
  • Available to full UK licence holders from 21 - 75
!!BUTTON("A","/images/logos/safely-insured-logo.jpg","/link/safely-insured","Get a Quote")!!

Temp Cover Impounded Van Insurance

  • Special cover designed to enable you to release your van without hassle
  • Minimum 30 day third party van insurance policy as required by law
  • Policy documents emailed to you immediately, allowing you to act quickly
  • Provides fast cover whilst you decide your next step
!!BUTTON("A","/images/logos/tempcover.gif","/link/tempcover-impounded","Get a Quote")!!