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Life as an HGV driver is demanding. Long hours on the road can increase your risk of health complications which is a likely reason why sadly the life expectancy of lorry drivers is below the national average. When you have life insurance in place you are protecting those you love from facing financial difficulties should you pass away. A life insurance policy can pay out a lump sum or a regular income.
Just click on the green button above and and after entering just a few details, you can have your search for life insurance underway. Our partners are experts at searching for life insurance cover for HGV drivers.
Nobody likes to imagine the worst but, just like making a will, life insurance is there to make an undeniably awful situation less complicated and stressful. If you should die, your family may lose their income and that can add a lot of pressure at a very difficult time. A life insurance policy can be set up to provide an income which can cover the mortgage or rent, pay for childcare, funeral costs and help with the cost of living.
You could also opt for a lump sum payment if you would prefer. By talking to our partners they can make you aware of what cover is available to you and what may fit better with your needs.
You should always declare any medical condition you may have when asked and fill out documents accurately and honestly. If you do not do this, you may find your policy is void and you are not covered.
Premiums are calculated using a number of factors. Some of those relating to your role are:
How many hours you spend on the road
What you are hauling. Is any of it hazardous?
Do you travel to dangerous areas or regions?
Do you do any lifting as part of your job?
Often these risks are not ones you have any control over. However your general health can also affect the cost of your life insurance. Due to the lack of physical activity in the role of a lorry driver, many drivers struggle with weight gain which can lead to issues such as diabetes, DVT, high blood pressure, heart complications and sleep problems.
The following actions may help to reduce your premiums:
Looking after your health
Keeping active where possible
Giving up smoking
Taking out life insurance early
Generally. the younger you are when you take out a life insurance policy, the less you will pay.
Our expert partners can guide you during the whole process and answer any queries you may have.
There are 4 main reasons why speaking to someone about your life insurance will benefit you:
Getting the right cover - speaking to someone with industry knowledge means that you can ensure you are not only covered for what you need but that you also don't pay for additional cover that you don't need.
To compare policies - Our partners work with many leading UK insurers so have access to a wide range of policies. They understand that the best deal is one which not only offers you the right cover but also at a competitive price.
Saves you time - Imagine if you had to go to each company individually for a quote? And also then have to work out the value to you of each policy? Does it offer you like-for-like cover to the previous company you considered?
Gives you confidence - By talking to the experts you can be confident that you have the life insurance that works for you. Once you have your policy set up, you can keep trucking safe in the knowledge that your loved ones are protected.
Our service is so easy and straightforward . Just fill out our quick online form by clicking on the link below or on the green button at the top of the page and our panel of experts will get working for you. It's just that simple!
Let us help you get life insurance cover today.
LifeSearch. our expert partner, are one of the UK's largest life assurance brokers. They can provide cover from a range of companies including AIG, Aviva, British Friendly, Legal & General, LV=, Royal London, The Exeter, Vitality, Scottish Widows, National Friendly, Shepherds Friendly, Cirencester, Holloway, Guardian and Zurich. Like MoneyMaxim, they are regulated and authorised by the FCA, and offer a guarantee to give you the right cover at the most competitive premium possible all fee free and with no obligation.