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Learner Driver Insurance for Mature Drivers

Compare Learner Drivers Insurance for Older Drivers - compare short term or annual policies.

Compare Learner Driver Insurance

Some people for various reasons do not get to learn to drive when they are in their teens or early twenties. Whether it is financial or family circumstances it is never too late to learn when it comes to learner driver insurance. So if you are more mature in age and decide you finally want to add to your skills by learning to drive then we can help you compare policies.

Can Older People buy Learner Driver Insurance?

The short answer is yes - at least in most cases. There are companies that offer annual policies which can cover those aged up to the age of 65, 75 and one that covers up to any age of learner driver. Run a quote now by clicking on the 'Compare Annual Learner Driver Policies' tab above to compare policies for you. Some of these insurers may be able to convert your learner policy to a standard car insurance policy once you have passed your test.

Through our standard service you can search out both short term policies, or annual ones. There are policies for either owner drivers and also those using a borrowed car to learn in. To help you decide which type of policy is more likely to be the most suitable for you, we provide you with a few tips.

One word of warning though - if you are needing to retake your test due to a previous conviction or ban you are unlikely to be able to use a standard learner driver insurance policy. We can still help though as we have a panel of insurers who specialise in exactly this situation - ask for a quote through our Convicted Drivers Insurance service.

Short Term Learner Driver Insurance

Most short term learner driver policies only cover younger drivers - but one company that does is Collingwood Insurance. They are also able to offer short term policies up to the age of 65, subject to the drivers prior accident history, location and type of car being acceptable.

They may be the perfect solution if you will be taking your test very soon or if you are doing an intensive course. They offer options for those who will be using their own car or those using a friend's or a family member's car to learn in. Both third party or fully comprehensive policies are available.

If you are borrowing a car, policies normally dictate that the car should be insured already by the owner as they will only insure the learner driver whilst they are driving and are not included on the DVLA insurance database.

If you think you will need the policy for 4 months or more, it is worth also running an annual quote as sometimes these can work out cheaper.

Annual Learner Drivers Car Insurance

Some insurers will keep an annual insurance going once you have passed your test. This can work out as an advantage if they then count your year as a learner towards your no claims bonus (NCB). This may reduce the cost of your first policy after passing which is usually the most expensive year of your car insurance life. This is not consistent throughout the industry however.

One disadvantage is that most companies will almost certainly increase your premium on passing and it is not possible to find how much that increase will be beforehand.

Some companies offer annual learner driver policies that end as soon as you have passed. You would then need to start a new policy as a newly qualified driver. Some policies will allow you to get a refund for unused months.