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Life Assurance Policies for Business Owners

Compare life insurance quotes, with premiums running from a few pence a day. Get a quote to compare prices and receive expert guidance.

Business Life Insurance

Talking to one of our life assurance partners is critical when you are looking for your business life insurance.

Most business owners and directors can set up their life insurance so that the premium is paid by the business out of business profits, cutting your tax liability without creating a benefits in kind charge.

And as more than 150,000 customers have discovered already, our life assurance partners are the people to explain how.

Don't risk an online only purchase as setting up your policy without making the appropriate arrangements can mean your loved ones have a vastly reduced sum to manage on - not at all what you are probably intending as you seek to protect them.

We have a life insurance partner that is expert in finding the right policies for your needs so we can make sure you speak to an advisor to discuss your situation. Advice and quotes are provided with no fees, so you have nothing to lose in talking to them and finding out how they can help - all with no obligation!

We can help with any of the following situations:

  • Business Life Insurance
  • Mortgage Protection (both Personal and Commercial Mortgages)
  • Life Assurance for those with Pre Existing Medical Conditions
  • Cover for those with hazardous jobs or pastimes
  • Life Assurance for the over 60s
  • Key Person Insurance
  • Re-broking current insurance policies with a view to reducing the cost or extending cover

Complete our online form by clicking the green button above or on the link below - and just pop in a few details. Our experts will be delighted to discuss your situation - totally free of charge and without obligation.

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Looking for travel insurance to cover cover a business trip? We can help.

Our expert partner is LifeSearch and they are one of the UK's leading life assurance brokers who have been providing their services for over 25 years now. They can arrange cover from a number of companies including Aviva, AIG, British Friendly, Legal & General, LV=, Royal London,The Exeter, Guardian, Vitality, Cirencester, Scottish Widows,National Friendly, Holloway, Shepherds Friendly and Zurich. They are, like MoneyMaxim, regulated and authorised by the FCA, and offer a guarantee to give you the most competitive premium possible to fulfill your needs fee free and without obligation.